Introduction to HTML

Introduction to HTML

  • HTML is a computer language specifically designed for creating websites. Such websites can be visited by anyone regardless of their location or time zone. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can visit websites. 
  • HTML is all around us. It's used on websites, in apps, in other software, and any time web technology is used. HTML provides the conduit for content, words, images, video, and audio, forms, interactive experiences. It's the solid foundation on which everything else is built. Humans speak human languages with millions of words and all kinds of nuances. It takes years to master a human language. The computer language is easy to learn. Its fundamentals can be grasped in just one sitting. Even though it is simple, it is effective and powerful. It is also continuously going through revisions to meet the requirements and demands of users.
  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Hyper Text is a method used to move across the Internet. You can click on hyperlinks, which are special texts that move you to the next page. It is called hyper because it is not linear. In other words, you can move towards any location on the Internet at any time you desire simply by clicking on links. Selecting transcript lines in this section will navigate to the timestamp in the video HTML tags do markup to the texts inside them Simply put, they mark it as a specific type of text, such as italicized or bold.
  • The elements of HTML are the building blocks of HTML pages. Its elements are represented by tags and its tags label content with a heading, table, and paragraph among others. Even though browsers do not generally display HTML tags, they use these tags to render the contents of pages. Computers also speak languages. Programming languages are far more logical and consistent. The internet is a place where human language meets computer language. Websites are programmed and they're read, watched, or listened to. Content online is consumed by people and it's consumed by other computers. Artificial intelligence is all about trying to get computers to intelligently understand what humans are up to. What if on the web, we had a way to ensure that all the computers involved understood the human communication that's there? Well, that's exactly what HTML is for. It's the way to mark up our content and bridge the divide between human language and computer language.

Role of HTML

  • The Web is made out of three programming languages, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 
  • HTML marks up the content of a site. It tells the user's computer what things are. It also provides access to an incredible amount of functionality that's already built directly into the browser. You can call up that functionality by using certain HTML. 
  • JavaScript is a programming language that provides the ability to create more powerful interactivity. The more complex and richer an interface becomes, the more likely that JavaScript is used to make that experience seamless for the site's users. This can be confusing or frustrating for some coders. Why does the Web use multiple programming languages? Why can't we just have one? Well, the Web is different from other types of software. You can code a website today and expect that it will still work in sex years or 15 years, without any updates. You can easily write your code so that it works on an old computer or an old browser from 10 years ago.
  • The Web runs on Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Linux, other mobile OS, eBook readers, game consoles, televisions, and watches. There's a wide diversity of devices that run HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in some form or fashion. That was the entire point of the Web, the reason it was invented. To provide a way for humanity to share content, even when our computers are different from each other. It's pretty remarkable.
  • This is made possible by having three different kinds of programming languages, each doing part of the job.
  • There is no programming logic
  • There are no loops or functions. 

Instead, HTML is what's called a declarative language. The code simply declares, put a form field right here.

  • JavaScript is the most powerful. There are many things that JavaScript can do that HTML and CSS cannot do. But it's also the most fragile. If something's wrong with the code, or the browser is too old to know what that code means, the browser will stop. It gives up. It won't run that JavaScript. It doesn't want to start guessing what to do, which makes JavaScript more fragile. 
    Having all three languages means that developers can combine these qualities. Resilience, robustness, and power. It's quite remarkable. Do as much as possible in the more robust parts of the stack of these languages, and then use the rest of the stack to make the site better. If you can do something in HTML, then do it in HTML. If you can't, then use the other parts. All of this is to say that HTML is pretty great. It's worth taking the time to learn all the different HTML elements and attributes, so you can fully leverage what it has to offer.
  • CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It provides visual styling and layout for everything on the web page. It makes each web page look the way that it looks, color, typography, and size and we can add simple animations and interactions through CSS.
  • HTML is simple in its structure. 

  • It's the simplicity of HTML that gives it its resilience and its robustness. 
  • If something is wrong with HTML, if something is missing or spelled wrong, HTML is like, eh, close enough. I'll just guess what they meant and fix it. I'll display this page anyway. HTML can take a lot of abuse and still deliver.
  • CSS has a bit more logic to it. There's a bit more computer science structure there, which makes it a bit more fragile, and a bit more powerful. It does still have a tremendous amount of resilience. When something goes wrong in CSS, the browser will skip just that section of code and not apply that styling. But it will go on to apply the rest. It might not come out completely correct, but the browser will do its best and most of it will work. 


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